The Military-Patriotic Department Head

The Socially Educational Work Assistant Director

The Socially Educational Work Assistant Director

The Socially Educational Work Assistant Director

The Socially Educational Work Assistant Director

The principal of Kyiv Shevchenkivskyi District ‘Cadet Corps’ Boarding lyceum ¹ 23 with intensified military and physical preparation.

MRS. NATALIIA HOLOVIKHINA, the principal of Kyiv Shevchenkivskyi District ‘Cadet Corps’ Boarding lyceum ¹ 23 with intensified military and physical preparation. The honored worker of the Ukrainian education.
Telephone numbers:
00380444002348 (from the US and Canada 011380444002348)
00380444007080 (from the US and Canada 011380444007080)
About lyceum

Kyiv Shevchenkivskyi District ‘Cadet Corps’ Boarding lyceum ¹ 23 with intensified military and physical preparation is a secondary education institution of ISCED levels I-III that provides secondary education accordance to State educational standards. The Lyceum has educational and good breeding approaches in teaching. It has scientific and practical training for talented youth. It offers advanced studies of different subjects with military professional oriented education and pre-professional training. The Lyceum conducts the advanced pre-conscription preparatory course and intensified physical training. The Lyceum prepares young men for military service.
2007 — boarding school ¹ 23 of ISCED levels I-II becomes secondary boarding school of ISCED levels I-III
2009 — the school becomes lyceum conducting single-gender education of school boys and schools girls. Boys are called cadets and the girl-cadets are called ‘panianochky’ (‘ladies’ in English — Ed.). The institution activity goal is the development of the successful well-educated modern girl and courageous well-educated noble young man, the Ukraine protector.
September 1, 2009 — the cadet’s grade was solemnly opened, it was the first step to revive Kyiv Volodymyrsky Cadet Corps.
December 4, 2009 — the first dedication ceremony. The cadets were given special uniform crests.
2015 — the 55th school building anniversary.
Kyiv Shevchenkivskyi District ‘Cadet Corps’ Boarding lyceum ¹ 23 with intensified military and physical preparation provides classical Ukrainian education for male-cadets from the 1st to the 11th grade. It has all necessary conditions for a round-the-clock stay, meals 5 times a day, medical services, pre-professional legal and military education, informative educational activities, active recreation, leisure activities, sport, music etc.
‘Panianochky’ (‘ladies’) may take ‘The school of success’ programs that are divided into educational studios and courses. There are different educational studios, such as ‘Choreography’, ‘Painting’, ‘Art of music’, ‘Needlework’. Also there are special educational courses, such as ‘The Basics of Christian Ethics’, ‘English’, ‘Solfeggio’, ‘Performing arts’.
From the 5th to the 9th grades male-cadets may take special courses and electives, such as ‘Cadet history and traditions’, ‘Basics of military preparation’, ‘The history of Ukrainian Army’, ‘Ethics’, ‘Basics of Christian Ethics’, ‘Practical course of Law’.
10 and 11 graders have 2 educational directions which they may choose to take. The advanced learning of law or intensified military and sports preparation. The next courses are given ‘Science of Law’, ‘Constitutional Law of Ukraine, ‘Humanitarian Law’, ‘Basics of Political Science’, ‘Military Ethics and Psychology’, ‘Basics of Military Preparations’, ‘International Relations at the second part of the twentieth century’, ‘Business Ethics Communication’, ‘Political Geography’, ‘Basics of Rhetoric’.
There are also after-school activities for cadet’s personal development. The cadet may go to ‘Human Rights Protection Bureau’ or take ‘The Best Englishman’ extra class. And there are much more activities, ‘Brass Orchestra’, choreographic studio, vocal studio; ‘Inspiration, the literary and poetic studio, theatrical studio, sports section of martial arts, rugby, boxing, football, etc.